Starting off

So I have started a seven day countdown for the opening of the online store and this blog is the beginning of a regular monthly ramble.

I have been working on this for a good while and through one thing and another start up was delayed, changes had to be made as I went and learning how to build a website on a whole new platform was an education in it's self. We were on another platform for about twelve months and found it just didn't have all we needed but it was a good way to venture in to the online world.

For anyone who followed us on the social medias for any length of time will know that this is a very different place from where we started as makers selling at events and conventions, but the lockdowns we saw here in the UK put all of that on hold for an extend period and that had a huge financial impact that basically halted us in our tracks for nearly two years and it took along time to recover, but that did give us a lot of time to reassess.

We were primarily know for creepy dark art and cruelty free bone art, however that has proved to be too fragile and expensive to ship for an online store, in addition to that; during the time out we had from trading our love of all things D&D exploded and became a full time obsession - hence the redirection of the business.

Fear not however to do have the Crypt! We may have changed the type of things we offer but there is still lots of fun to be had for those of us who enjoy the more spooky side of things.

We are starting the build up the festive season and we do have some things coming that I hope you will enjoy, but for the moment I wont say too much about that as it has its time and place and I will have more to share in next month's ramble.

We do have a lot more to offer that what is currently shown on the website but like all things we do need to learn to walk before we can run and while we have built up great relationships with some big names, we also need to be realistic in the scope of where we are - right at the beginning.

With that said, welcome in



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